Mixed Reality

Create excitement with unique interactivity.
Create dynamic fashion experiences in any setting of your choice. Allow consumers, sales partners or internal teams to view and engage with pop-up fashion shows, launches or events via their devices.

First of its kind fashion experiences in any setting of your choice.

Perfect for city backdrops, shopping malls or onsite events. Leverage across social media campaigns!

Mixed Reality Fashion Event / Trafalgar Square

Create Your Mixed Reality Event


We digitize your products.

Multiple Locations

Select the location and we create the scene. Simply switch the location within seconds!

Mixed Reality

We deliver a unique experience with our partner tagSpace

Our Partner

tagSpace logo

Augmented Reality for city experiences, festivals and large events.

Expand your creative canvas. Add interactive and useful digital content like video, text, audio or 3D objects to any real-world location to help guide and entertain your customers.

tagSpace NYC mixed reality

Get in contact to find out more!

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